謎の勢力「結婚生活辛いンゴwwww」 | Mysterious power “marriage life spicy”

1: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 12:01:21 ID: ZRdI
Wai “Once we talk and separate or divorce, yeah."
Mysterious power “Soyuutokoyazo"
Wai “But mental and physical are hard?"
Mysterious power “Because this is non-motivated"
What is this
What do these guys want to do
2: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 12:20:22 ID: C4Bk
I just want you to sympathize
That I’m not asking for an answer by myself
3: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 12:29:12 ID: ZRdI
>> 2
Is it a cool appeal that I’m doing my best?
4: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 12:43:09 ID: C4Bk
>> 3
It may be, but maybe you just want to talk to someone in the same situation and complain.
6: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 13:07:54 ID: ZRdI
>> 4
>> 5
If you can just complain
Someone who is married and fetches the mount with status
Wai? 1 I get stupid when I hear it burn
5: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 12:44:46 ID: y7IY
I’m sad that I can’t have a drinking party that complains in Corona
7: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 13:12:40 ID: 5wSf
After getting married and living alone for a while (rent and all of them), I feel like it will work.
9: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 13:24:29 ID: ZRdI
>> 7
I think it’s different just because you’re going on to higher education or having the experience of living alone with each other.
8: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 13:13:51 ID: mdEx
I’m divorced if it’s really painful at an unbearable level, and I’m just putting it out as one of the topics
I’m thinking deeply, and it’s just a story that responds to small talk
10: No new name 21/04/21 (Wed) 13:28:10 ID: ZRdI
>> 8
If you can’t stand the truth, think that you didn’t see the other person and give up and compromise
Or cut
Wai did the latter